A Trio in France

February 7 – 9, 2025

Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa’s Artis­tic Direc­tor-harp­si­chordist Lor­na Peters, con­cert­mas­ter-vio­lin­ist Jubal Fulks, and lutenist George Eng­land per­form French Baroque music, with spe­cial guests or fea­tures at each concert!

Friday, February 7, 5pm

CLARA (E. Claire Raley Stu­dios for the Per­form­ing Arts)
1425 24th Street, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Free park­ing is avail­able in the CLARA’s lot or on sur­round­ing streets

Join us for this hap­py-hour con­cert spon­sored by Alliance Française. Sip French wine and enjoy a dis­cus­sion of this period’s music history!

Advance Tick­ets: $25 General/$10 Stu­dent (click to purchase)
(note: online sales end at noon on the day of the concert)
Tick­ets at the door: $30 General/$10 Student

Saturday, February 8, 4pm

Brunelle Hall
315 West 14th St., Davis 95616 (map)
Free park­ing is avail­able in the adja­cent lot

The trio will be joined by the Davis High School Baroque Ensem­ble for a per­for­mance of G.P. Telemann’s Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa.

Advance Tick­ets: $25 General/$10 Stu­dent (click to purchase)
(note: online sales end at noon on the day of the concert)
Tick­ets at the door: $30 General/$10 Student

Sunday, February 9, 3pm

Trin­i­ty Epis­co­pal Cathedral
2620 Capi­tol Ave, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Park­ing is avail­able in the Sut­ter Com­mu­ni­ty Garage at N. and 27th Street, with a week­end flat rate of $10.

This per­for­mance will be punc­tu­at­ed by a live­ly, inter­ac­tive audi­ence Q & A.

Advance Tick­ets: $25 General/$10 Stu­dent (click to purchase)
(note: online sales end at noon on the day of the concert)
Tick­ets at the door: $30 General/$10 Student


(for all concerts)

  • Jean-Hen­ri d’Anglebert
    • Suite in G Minor
  • Jean-Philippe Rameau
    • L’entretien des Muses
  • Jean-Bap­tiste-Antoine Forqueray
    • La Rameau
    • La Bois­son
  • Lor­na Peters, harpsichord
  • Ennemond Gaulti­er
    • Pre­lude & Tombeau de Mezangeau
  • George Eng­land, archlute
  • Jean-Bap­tiste Senaillé
    • Sonata in G Minor Op. 1, No 6 for Vio­lin and Continuo
  • Jubal Fulks, violin