Residency at Trinity University

Margarite B. Parker Chapel

February 19 – 22, 2022

1 Trin­i­ty Pl.
San Anto­nio, TX 78212 (map)

Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa is thrilled to offer mas­ter class­es, lec­tures, lessons, and cham­ber music coach­ing for the stu­dents in the Depart­ment of Music at Trin­i­ty Uni­ver­si­ty! The cul­mi­na­tion of our 4‑day res­i­den­cy will be a con­cert in the gor­geous Park­er Chapel. Under the direc­tion of Gary Seigh­man, Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa will col­lab­o­rate with the elite Trin­i­ty Uni­ver­si­ty Cham­ber Singers in a per­for­mance of Delalande’s grand motet De pro­fundis cla­mavi.

Michel Richard Dela­lande: De pro­fundis clamavi
François Couperin: La Sul­tane
Georg Philipp Tele­mann: Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Instru­men­tal music from Les Boréades, Cas­tor et Pol­lux, and Hip­poly­te et Aricie.



About our Col­lab­o­rat­ing Ensemble:
Dr. Gary Seigh­man, Direc­tor of Choral Activ­i­ties at Trin­i­ty University

The Trin­i­ty Uni­ver­si­ty Cham­ber Singers com­prise 30 under­grad­u­ate musi­cians and tru­ly epit­o­mizes the lib­er­al arts expe­ri­ence com­bined with a com­mit­ment to choral artistry of the high­est qual­i­ty. In 2017, they were one of only 12 choirs in the coun­try select­ed to per­form for the Nation­al Col­le­giate Choral Orga­ni­za­tion Con­fer­ence in Baton Rouge, LA. The Cham­ber Singers enjoy tour­ing nation­al­ly, through­out the region, and abroad. They recent­ly served as ensem­ble-in-res­i­dence for the 2018 Eisen­stadt Clas­si­cal Music Fes­ti­val in Aus­tria where they per­formed Haydn’s Die Schöp­fung and Beethoven’s Mass in C Major.

The Cham­ber Singers are fre­quent col­lab­o­ra­tors with the San Anto­nio Sym­pho­ny, hav­ing recent­ly per­formed Mozart’s Mass in C Minor, Ravel’s Daph­nis et Chloe, and works by Ver­di, Berlioz, and Brahms. Oth­er projects include a Span­ish Baroque pro­gram with the Walden Cham­ber Play­ers of Boston, Hen­ry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas with peri­od instru­ments, Tomás Luis de Victoria’s 12-voice Mis­sa Lae­ta­tus sum in Wash­ing­ton, DC.