Welcome to All the Pleasures

March 29 – 30, 2025

Saturday, March 29th, 2025, 4pm

Trin­i­ty Epis­co­pal Cathedral
2620 Capi­tol Ave, Sacra­men­to, CA (map)
Park­ing is avail­able in the Sut­ter Com­mu­ni­ty Garage at N. and 27th Street, with a week­end flat rate of $10.

Advance Tick­ets: $30 General/$10 Stu­dent (avail­able soon)
(note: online sales end at noon on the day of the concert)
Tick­ets at the door: $35 General/$10 Student

Sunday, March 30th, 2025, 4pm

Epis­co­pal Church of St. Martin
640 Hawthorn Lane, Davis CA 95616 (map)
Free park­ing is avail­able in the large lot on the church property.

Advance Tick­ets: $30 General/$10 Stu­dent (avail­able soon)
(note: online sales end at noon on the day of the concert)
Tick­ets at the door: $35 General/$10 Student


(for both concerts)

  • Hen­ry Purcell
    • Wel­come to all the Plea­sures, from Ode to St. Cecilia’s Day, Z. 339
  • William Boyce
    • Sym­pho­ny No. 8 in D Minor
  • William Boyce
    • Soft­ly rise, o south­ern breeze”, from Solomon, a Serenata
  • Jonathan Saat­man, tenor
  • David A. Wells, bassoon
  • Georg Frid­er­ic Handel
    • Over­ture from The Tri­umph of Time and Truth, HWV 71
  • Jubal Fulks, violin
  • Matthew Hud­gens, oboe
  • Matthew Locke
    • My Lodg­ing is on the Cold Ground”
  • Jonathan Saat­man, tenor
  • Nao­mi Rogers-Hefley, fiddle
  • Hen­ry Purcell
    • Cur­tain Tune, from Tim­on of Athens, Z. 632
  • Hen­ry Purcell
    • Suite from The Gor­dian Knot Untied, Z. 597