Support Us

Our great­est joy is to share our knowl­edge of and pas­sion for his­tor­i­cal­ly-informed per­for­mance of Baroque music through con­certs, uni­ver­si­ty res­i­den­cies, lec­tures, work­shops, and mas­ter classes.

Our Men­tor­ship Pro­gram pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty for advanced stu­dents or young pro­fes­sion­als to work close­ly with the mem­bers of Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa in the inti­mate set­ting of lessons and coach­ings, as well as in ensem­ble rehearsals, con­certs and touring.

Please con­sid­er sup­port­ing us in this impor­tant work! Use the but­ton below to donate online via Pay­Pal (all major credit/debit cards accept­ed — no account need­ed). You can even set up a recur­ring month­ly dona­tion! Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa is a reg­is­tered 501(c)(3) orga­ni­za­tion, and your dona­tion will be tax deductible.

If you would pre­fer to send a check, please make it payable to:

Sin­fo­nia Spir­i­tu­osa Inc
2535 Mont­gomery Way
Sacra­men­to, CA 95818

To dis­cuss oth­er ways you can sup­port our mis­sion, please con­tact us at donations@​sinfoniaspirituosa.​org.

Thank you for your support!