Carol’s Concerts

Hel­lo Everyone!

We hope this mes­sage finds you well and enjoy­ing a hol­i­day sea­son filled with live music, friends and fam­i­ly. We would also like to extend our deep­est grat­i­tude for your sup­port of our 2023 sea­son. The enthu­si­asm for our local per­for­mances and our Men­tor­ship work con­tin­ue to grow, and for that we have YOU to THANK!

One of the most sat­is­fy­ing parts of the job I have as Artis­tic Direc­tor is to find, study, select and final­ly orga­nize reper­toire into con­cert pro­grams that inspire and chal­lenge Sinfonia’s musi­cians and that stim­u­late and move our lis­ten­ers. Awash in col­or­ful orches­tra­tion made pos­si­ble by a larg­er orches­tra of strings, winds and plucked instru­ments, our upcom­ing per­for­mances of Bach, Han­del and Rameau reflect a long-await­ed Sin­fo­nia buck­et list of con­tral­to and sopra­no arias that range from heartrend­ing to hilarious.

So mark your cal­en­dars now for Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 24th in Sacra­men­to and Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 25th in Davis for Sin­fo­nia Spirtuosa’s con­certs with ris­ing star sopra­no Chea Kang, and the extra­or­di­nary con­tral­to Sara Couden! See the con­cert page for the event details, pro­gram, and tick­et link.

Our Feb­ru­ary con­certs are ded­i­cat­ed to Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa’s trea­sur­er, Car­ol Per­rin, who passed away in Decem­ber 2023 after fight­ing mul­ti­ple bat­tles with can­cer. This ensem­ble exists because of her vision, pas­sion, and ded­i­ca­tion. We will for­ev­er be pro­found­ly grate­ful for Carol’s warm friend­ship and her unwa­ver­ing sup­port. Her loss is and will con­tin­ue to be keen­ly felt.

Hap­py Holidays!

Lor­na Peters
Artis­tic Director