Dear Friends of Sin­fo­nia Spirituosa,

Although the mem­bers of the orches­tra have been extreme­ly pro­duc­tive and cre­ative on their own dur­ing the last 20 months, we have cer­tain­ly missed play­ing togeth­er. And we have tru­ly missed you — thank you for your ongo­ing encour­age­ment and support.

We are real­ly look­ing for­ward to our res­i­den­cy at Trin­i­ty Uni­ver­si­ty in San Anto­nio, Texas in Feb­ru­ary, and our spring 2022 trio of con­certs here in Cal­i­for­nia, April 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

As part of our res­i­den­cy at UC Davis, we will present a con­cert in the mag­nif­i­cent Recital Hall of the Ann E. Pitzer Cen­ter on Fri­day, April 1st at 7:00 pm.

At 4:00 pm on Sat­ur­day, April 2nd, we are hon­ored to per­form on the dis­tin­guished Music in the Moun­tains con­cert series in Grass Val­ley at Peace Luther­an Church.

And final­ly, find us in our new Sacra­men­to con­cert home, Trin­i­ty Cathe­dral, for a 4:00 mati­nee on Sun­day, April 3rd.

Hap­py New Year!
Lor­na Peters, artis­tic director